Dream Building

Dear Readers,

This week’s discussion will be on Dream Building, which I feel is the most important aspect of every successful man and woman. Why is having a Dream important? It allows you to know your life. Once you have identified your dream, the What and How aspects of achieving it do not matter. A Dream is like a compass, it points you in the direction of where you want to go. Without a Dream in life, it is as good as wandering aimlessly in a desert without a sense of direction.

Do you know What Your Dream is?

If you do not know, chances are, you have not seen enough of what is possible in life. Go out there and look at things around you or surf the internet for pictures of what you want. I am pretty sure you will across something that you really like. 🙂 

How to Identify whether you Have a Strong Dream?

It brings tears to your eyes when you visualize and think about it. The basis of having a strong dream is to keep you determined and focused on achieving it. A dream is a future-based event. Hence, you will have to work on it consistently and persistently to overcome challenges along the way. Challenges are bound to unfold when you have a big dream or goal to achieve.  

What are the Types of Dreams?

There are 2 types of Dreams: tangible and intangible. Tangible Dreams refer to things that you want and you can touch. Things like a brand new car, house, private jet and so on. Intangible Dreams refer to things that are close to your heart, such as retiring your parents, climbing Mount Everest, going sky-diving around the world and so on.

Having a Dream is only the beginning. You have to add a date to it and turn it into a Goal in order for it to become a reality. Try to make your Dreams as specific as possible. Let’s say your dream car is a BMW. You should include the car model, colour, what furnishing or material you want for the interior and so on. Let me illustrate an example: I have in my possession a Black BMW 6 Series Convertible with black leather interior, a Creative sound blaster system, a 10 inch Sony Plasma TV by 1 Jun 2012.

Write down all the benefits that you will enjoy when you achieve it to make it clearer. Having clear goals will allow you to stay laser-sharp focused and not be distracted by what is happening around you. As the saying goes, CLARITY is POWER! This would definitely aid in your Dream Building process tremendously.

Your Dream is like your Baby, you have to nurture and feed it daily for it grow into reality.

How to nurture and feed it?

Here are some simple ways that I personally use to aid in the process of Dream Building:

1)    Look for pictures on the internet that represent your dreams. Print out the pictures and paste them at places that are prominent, such as your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, your computer desk and your bedroom wall.

Vision Board

You can create a Vision Board by using a wooden soft board and pin all the pictures on it. Hang it in your bedroom or your office area so that you can look at it often, visualize yourself already in possession of them and enjoying them.

2)    Go out and Look for it. Feel it. Touch it. Here is a real-life example of what I did with a group of friends with our dream cars: We went to the car showrooms in Redhill for a test drive and took some pictures of ourselves in the car of our dreams.

3)    Associating with dreamers. I will go for functions on a weekly basis and associate with a group of really awesome people to build our dreams. You can look for dreamers in your life and associate with them often as well.

4)    Create a PowerPoint presentation with pictures of your dreams and set it up as your screen saver. So that whenever you leave your computer unattended for a short while, you will think about your dreams when you return and see them in front of you. It will help to remind you why you are working so hard and keep you away from distractions. Mind Movies is a great tool that you may use to create a digital vision board for you to bring around in your mobile devices.       

5)    You can even create a Dream Book to paste all your pictures in a book and carry it with you everywhere.

6)    Finally, look at your dreams and visualize it every morning before you go to school or work, and every night before you go to bed. Spend some time to enjoy the moment of achieving your goals and dreams. Visualize the environment, the smiles on your family members’ face and the happiness that you are experiencing.

As always, what I have shared with you are just some ways that you can feed and nurture your dreams. Now it is up to you to take action on them and start realizing your dreams in your life!

To your Dream Building Success,

Edmund Yeo

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