Dear Readers,


The year is coming to a close. I am sure everyone has been through some ups and downs in 2010. However, we should always be thankful for what we have been through because I am sure all of us have grown to become a better person by overcoming challenges in life. Therefore, this week’s Night Owl Topic would be “A Gratitude List”.

I have learnt from successful people that we should always begin a new year with Gratitude. Write down a list of things that you are thankful for. Thank your parents, friends, relatives, or anybody that have contributed to your life. Thank God for all the challenges that you have been through and learn from them. Start the year with Gratitude and I am sure next year will end with a BANG as well! 🙂

With that being said, here’s my Gratitude List that I would like to share with you:

I am very thankful to:

Brother, for helping and guiding me when I was serving my National Service.

Family members, for being there for me whenever I needed them most.

Father, for showing his love and concern.

Friends, for all those wonderful memories and times we had together.

Grandmother, for buying all those nice food like popiah, curry puff, yam cakes, bread, coffee and paus for all of us to enjoy, and taking care of me whenever I am not feeling well.    

God, for giving me all those challenges that I have to overcome in order to become a stronger person and achieve the goals I have set for myself.

Mother, for taking good care of me, whipping all those awesome home-cooked meals and her love and concern for me.

Rain for watering the plants for free.

Sister, for reminding me to manage my finances and buying all those awesome chocolates, cookies and Bubble Tea for us to enjoy

Sun for drying our clothes and keeping them fresh and nice, keeping me warm and providing vitamin D to keep me healthy.  

Trees for maintaining the freshness of the air and providing shade for me.

Thank you.

As you can see, this is just a short sample of what I have for my Gratitude List. Be creative and let your imagination come into play when you are writing your Gratitude List. It should be fun and most importantly, enjoy the process. 🙂


Edmund Yeo

P.S: Do you want to share your Gratitude List? Send me an email at and I will gladly publish it on my blog as well! 🙂

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