Ultimate Success Masterclass ReviewIs Success Really That Simple?

Is the Ultimate Success Masterclass worth your money? Can it really help you achieve your lifetime goals? What do real students of this class got to say about the course?

Hi there, this is Edmund. I have created this review to help anybody who are looking at the Ultimate Success Masterclass and wondering whether it can really help them achieve any goals in their life.

Read my complete review and get a glimpse of what to expect from the course below to see if it is worth your time and money.

What Is USM And Why Should I Consider It?

Natalie Ledwell

It is a 12 week online success school where you will receive personal mentor-ship from Natalie on how to achieve any audacious goals in your life by using a simple step by step formula.

What’s really cool about this formula is that it can be applied to any area of your life that you would like to improve and achieve results fast. In addition, you will get to interact with like-minded individuals of the program to form a mastermind team in a user-friendly platform.

The reason why so many people fail in life is due to a lack of mentorship. I can personally testify to that since I am being coached by a very successful entrepreneur for my marketing business. A mentor has the ability to check your blind-spots and help you to correct any actions which can delay your success. This will save you a lot of time and heartache down the road.

Now you may be wondering why should I listen to Natalie Ledwell? First of all, Natalie is a very successful entrepreneur, having run several businesses in different industries. Secondly, she is the host of an online TV blog, The Inspirational Show, for many years where she provides answers to Law of Attraction questions and help people overcome your daily struggles. Finally, she has worked with many success coaches like Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Joe Vitale and Bob Doyle, just to name a few.

USM Program Outline

USM members area

Here are the topics which will be covered in the program:

Module 1: Create A Positive Vibration

You will learn simple yet highly effective ways to create and maintain a positive, high vibrational state that allows you to rise above challenges, achieve your goals and live life with greater joy, ease and satisfaction.

Module 2: Set A Clear Intention

You will learn how to set a powerful intention that resonates out into the Universe to create a clear pathway for you to quantum leap closer to your goals.

Module 3: Create Empowering Affirmations

You will uncover the secrets to creating empowering affirmations that disintegrate any obstacles and negative beliefs that have been stopping you from knowing what you are really capable of.

Module 4: Activate the Law Of Attraction (LOA)

You will uncover a simple but insanely powerful step-by-step formula for activating the full power of the LOA in your life to magnetically draw positive people and golden opportunities to you.

Module 5: Take Inspired Action

You will learn how to use one of your most powerful hidden assets… your “inner compass” or intuition… to take almost effortless “inspired action” towards whatever you want to create for yourself.

Module 6: Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs

You will learn how to face your fears and actually use them to power you faster and more effortlessly towards your goals.

Module 7: Define Your Core Values

You will discover Natalie’s trademark formula for uncovering your true Core Values.

Module 8: Find Your Passions

You will learn how to use your Core Values to finally find your true passions in life.

Module 9: Break Through Your Challenges

You will learn how to break through any challenges that may come on your path such as knowing how to handle negative people and situations which may have stopped you from achieving your goals in the past. **Natalie will be bringing on a special guest for this one.

Module 10: Use Your Thoughts And Language For Success

You will discover the secrets to using the power of your word to skyrocket your confidence, magnify your people skills and operate at a level higher than anything you may have experienced before.

Module 11: Stay Connected To Source

You will learn how to stay connected to Source, so that you remain strong and grounded in yourself and crystal clear on exactly where you want to go and where you want to get to, no matter what life throws at you.

Module 12: Put It All Together

Finally, you will learn how to put it all together to become truly unstoppable in all areas of your life.

So What’s Inside The Member’s Area?

What I LIKE and DISLIKE About USM:

It is quite obvious that not every success course is perfect. Anyway, here’s what I think about this program.

I like this program because:

* Natalie will personally coached me to achieve any audacious goals that I want.

* There are a lot of like-minded friends from all over the world that you can meet through this program. Therefore, I can form a mastermind group with them to brainstorm for ideas on how to achieve our goals.

* I like the daily reminder and encouragement from Natalie whenever I finish a task that I set for myself through the program. This provides me with the motivation to carry out daily activities without hesitation. It also keeps me from procrastination, which I feel is the number 1 reason why I did not succeed in the past.

* The program is very easy to follow with straightforward instructions on what to do next. I do not want to figure out what to do on my own. This helps to save a lot of time on my part.

* The user interface is very well-designed and user-friendly even to a person who is a complete idiot about computers.

* There are many different formats of the course that I can download in such as PDF and audio. This helps me to internalize the lessons which are taught in each module after I have watched the video and listened to the audio a few days later.

I don’t like the program because:

* The voicemail is only available to people in the United States where most of their customers come from. I mean since we paid the same amount of money, shouldn’t we get the same privilege as well.


There is a price to pay when it comes to success. If you find US$597 too much to stomach, then you ought to join this program so that you can make more money to cover your costs. 🙂 At the end of the day, I am sure your dreams and goals are priceless and you wouldn’t to live this world with any regrets that you didn’t give it your all. Most importantly, with a mentor like Natalie who practices what she preaches guiding you, you will be able to attain success in any future endeavours.

Claim Your Bonus Gift From Natalie Before Signing Up For The Course.